Cuenca Events Calendar (2)

Cuenca Events Calendar – Vlog 2

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Hey, everyone! Jason here, kicking off the year with some positive vibes. Took a stroll by the Yanuncay River, and guess what? The Cuenca Council did some tree clearing. They thinned out those thirsty eucalyptus trees, making room for new native ones. Big shoutout to them for keeping our parks green and lively.

New Year’s Day Greetings

Happy New Year! Hope you had a blast last night, whether it involved burning monigotes, munching on grapes, or following your favorite Ecuadorian traditions. Here’s to an awesome 2024!

Farewell to Cuenca Events Calendar

Now, for some bittersweet news. We’re saying goodbye to the Cuenca Events Calendar. I know, I know, many of you loved it. It’s been a tough call, but it’s time. Family needs more of my time, and the business needs to refocus.

What’s Changing?

So, the online events calendar is taking a bow. No more updates, and the Thursday events newsletter is going too. We’ve invested time (I’ve spent 255 hours) and money (I’ve spent $2530) since September 2021, but it’s time for a change. Real talk, my focus in 2024 is on family and growing our real estate service.

White Knight?

Maintaining the calendar is no walk in the park. Monetizing it crossed my mind, but let’s be honest, that’s not likely to work. If the calendar is to survive, we need a hero from the community—a volunteer to spend a couple of hours each week. Could that be you? You don’t need to be a tech whiz. Honestly, your biggest issue will likely be overcoming the monotony of uploading 20-30 events each week. Reach out to me if interested ([email protected]). 

Alternatives and Apologies

I hate to break it to you, but there’s no perfect alternative. You can check the city’s events (though it’s limited – try this one too), explore other gringo publications, or dive into Facebook events. It’s not the same, I know, and I’m sorry.

Focus on Video Content

But hey, it’s not all bad news. We’re ramping up video content in 2024. More insights, more stories. Even though the calendar is taking a break, we’re not. We’re still here, committed to helping you navigate life in Cuenca.

Closing Message

Thanks for your continued support as we navigate these changes. Here’s to an amazing 2024! Got questions? Drop me an email at [email protected]. Ciao ciao!

Further reading:

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