Curious Cuenca is a video podcast where we interview interesting people from various walks of life who live in Cuenca, Ecuador. Guests include new and old expats businesses, interesting locals and Cuenca based nonprofit organisations.
These nonprofits also play a key role in the podcast as we allow you to donate to them. There are a lot of deserving charities in Cuenca that struggle a little bit with marketing. Well let’s be honest, they all struggle a lot and many of our audience members are in the process of moving to Cuenca and they are looking for ways that they can contribute to the new home to be. This gives them an opportunity to start making a difference before they arrive.
Now, we’re certainly not trying to profit off your donations, 100% minus any PayPal fee is donated once we hit the target threshold, and we’re starting this threshold at $500. Hopefully it doesn’t take us long to get there and with your support I’m sure that we can.