Abuela's Garden, Quito

A Stroll Through Abu’s Garden in Quito – Vlog 1

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Welcome to Ma’s or Abu’s Garden in Quito, a haven to escape whatever the world throws at us. It’s also my first vlog-style video, an ideal opportunity to unveil the beauty of this green sanctuary through the lens of my new camera.

Join me for a relaxed tour as we uncover the botanical wonders and personal stories that make this garden one of our favorite places in Ecuador. 

First Glance at the Garden

Maracutaxo – Passion Fruit and Taxo Hybrid

Our garden tour begins with a delightful hybrid, the maracutaxo. A splendid fusion of passion fruit and taxo (also known as banana passion fruit), this vine offers a flavor profile that is a tad more acidic than the traditional passion fruit, making it a perfect choice for refreshing juices or relishing its goodness straight from the vine. You can see it’s a little more yellow than regular passionfruit owing to the taxo.

Abu’s Kale

We originally gifted Abu our kale plant when we left Quito for Cuenca around 5 years ago. It grew well, but she thought it was broccoli or similar at first. Kale, not a conventional choice in this locale, has thrived splendidly under Abu’s care. Right now the grubs have been having a good old chew but you can still see how well it grows, especially with these other smaller plants that are starting to thrive. 

Life Updates and Ozzy’s Farewell

First Vlog-Style Video

As we transition into the vlog-style narrative, let me express that these videos differ significantly from our polished studio-style content. They provide you with a glimpse into my life in Ecuador, offering a more personal and relaxed perspective. Your feedback on this new format is invaluable, so please share your thoughts in the comments.

Introducing Ozzy – The Australian Shepherd

Meet Ozzy, our beloved Australian Shepherd, who recently celebrated his third birthday. In a bittersweet decision, we’ve chosen to let Ozzy thrive in the expansive greenery of Abu’s garden in Quito rather than bringing him to Cuenca. Why? Look around! This vast garden is a paradise for him to run and play. Additionally, it brings joy to Abuela, who missed having a canine companion after her German Shepherd. The decision, although tough, ensures Ozzy’s happiness and quality of life.

Building the Wall for Ozzy’s Safety

To make Ozzy’s stay safe and secure, we’ve constructed concrete walls that act as a protective barrier. This precautionary measure stems from a previous incident where we lost a sweet Beagle in the same yard two years ago. We chipped in to hire a Maestro, a skilled artisan working with Michelle’s family for an extended period. The Maestro is largely responsible for building three sections of the brick fence and reinforcing the front gate. This work ensures Ozzy’s safety and brings peace of mind to us all.

Back to Abu’s Garden

Avocado Trees and Other Delights

Back to Abu’s garden, we have an exciting development – the first avocado tree to bear fruit in many years is right here! Five different types of avocado trees were planted, and finally, we see the fruits of this labor. We’re yet to taste them, with the whole family waiting eagerly in anticipation. 

Coffee Bean Challenges

While exploring the front part of the garden, we come across a coffee tree. However, the dryness throughout the growing season had a negative affect on the beans this year. Ecuador is currently grappling with rolling blackouts due to insufficient hydroelectric power caused by El Niño and a lack of rain. The hope is for more favorable weather conditions next year, allowing us to enjoy a better coffee crop and the pleasure of roasting these flavorful beans.

Festive Wishes

As we conclude this adventure through Abu’s Garden, I extend heartfelt gratitude for your support in YapaTree Properties’ growth throughout 2023. Your encouragement has been instrumental, and we look forward to further expansion in 2024. 

The festive season is upon us, and I wish you joy, warmth, and good vibes surrounded by loved ones. Your topic suggestions are always welcome; drop me an email at [email protected], and we’ll strive to cover them in future content. 

Here’s to a fantastic festive season and the exciting journey that awaits in the coming year.

Ciao for now!

YapaTree Properties

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