Novaqua Hot Springs Deal

Novaqua Hot Springs – New Deal

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Every once in a while, we pursue businesses to join the YapaTree Discount Card program out of pure self-interest. This new deal from Novaqua is one of those. We wanted them on the card so we can spend more time relaxing in their hot springs. Our baby is turning 3 months today, so we feel it’s more important than ever to take a little bit of time for ourselves.

Now, of course, I know we aren’t the only ones that feel this way as numerous cardholders told us that they really wanted Novaqua to come back onto the discount card program after an apparent 3-4 year hiatus.

So, this deal is for all the relaxers, hot spring aficionados, new parents, or even just weekend lovers out there.

Novaqua is more than ‘just’ hot springs

There’s so much to like about what Novaqua has created at their modern spa facility in Banos (15 mins from Cuenca). Yes, they’ve nailed the basics of an affordable, quality hot spring session if this is your main goal. And, for many visitors, this is the main attraction.

But, what if you wanted to combine your hot spring sessions with a facial, pampering massage or other body treatment? Here’s where Novaqua really shines with its range of packages for all budgets.

For example, they currently have this Xmas promotion where you get:

  • 30 minute massage
  • Hot springs, contrast pools, turco, sauna
  • Mud cave
  • Hot drinks & apple pie with ice-cream

All for $40 per person. I Hope Santa stuffs my stocking with one of these!

It’s the little touches

Perhaps what we enjoy most about Novaqua are the little things. This is especially true after you’ve been living in Ecuador for a while and you find yourself accustomed to living with, let’s call them “rough edges”. I’m talking about the incomplete houses, potholes in the sidewalks, general lack of customer service, etc.

But, there are no oversights at Novaqua. From the moment you enter, you’ve left that part of Ecuador behind and are now in an oasis where things just work. And, this is no mirage. The management clearly really cares about their product and it translates into a very enjoyable, repeatable experience.

Surrounded by green hills and nature

Hot spring businesses don’t really have the luxury of choosing where they set up operations. They go where the best access to hot, spring water happens to be. So, whilst perhaps it would be more convenient if they were located within Cuenca itself, I really don’t mind the short drive out there because they are just far enough away from Cuenca that it hasn’t been built up (yet).

This allows for a very natural experience where your views are dominated by rolling hills and countryside. Absolutely perfect for recharging the soul.

Food options for all budgets

I love that Novaqua has kept its menu accessible for everybody. It’s very common to see only gourmet or high-end food at places like this. Not at Novaqua. Yes, you can get a very nice meal there, but they also get easy and affordable snacks like coffee & empanadas.

Indeed, the deal that we’re bringing to you from Novaqua includes an empanada and coffee as part of the package. But, more on this later.

Make a weekend of it

Looking for a staycation close to Cuenca? Novaqua is owned by the same family that also owns Hosteria Duran (less than a 5-minute drive from Novaqua). Hosteria Duran also has their own thermal pools complete with contrast pools and other amenities.

We really like how the Hosteria manages to blend their traditional hacienda style with some modern touches for a truly enjoyable, slightly indulgent stay.

Deal for YapaTree cardholders

Novaqua is offering the following deals for YapaTree cardholders:

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15% Off “Termal Relax” Spa Package

This package includes:

  • Thermal pools
  • Contrast pools
  • Natural steam bath
  • Volcanic mud cave
  • Sauna
  • Steam box
  • Coffee + empanada

This package normally costs $20, but YapaTree cardholders get it for $17. Sweet.

The fine print

Not valid with other offers, packages, seniors or disability discounts.

15% Off Accommodation

Remember that cheeky weekend break we talked about earlier? Spoiling yourself (and a special someone perhaps?) just got that little bit more affordable with this deal from Hosteria Duran.

YapaTree cardholders get 15% off accommodation at Hosteria Duran.

The fine print

Not valid on public holidays.

Novaqua contact details

Novaqua is a 15 min drive from Cuenca. Click to find Novaqua on Google Maps.

Email: [email protected]



Phone: +593 7 289-2354

Final words

We’re so pleased to have Novaqua back on our discount card program. The deal they’ve provided for YapaTree cardholders really hits the sweet spot; hot springs with some extras and a snack for $17. Yes. Please.

I know this will be a popular deal amongst the community as it’s one we’ve received numerous requests for. There’s also a good chance you’ll run into Michelle and me having a long, warm, soak too. All in the name of research, of course 😉

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