Cuenca Property Sales Report July 2023

Cuenca Property Sales Report July 2023: Local Insights & Trends

Welcome to the Cuenca Property Update for July 2023! In this edition, we dive into recent property sales, key statistics, and enlightening trends in the real estate market. Join us as we take a closer look at the world of Cuenca property sales with special guest, Xavier Amoroso, a renowned YapaTree Property sales specialist.

Cuenca Property Sales Overview

Last month was a fruitful one for Xavier, who managed to close seven property sales. This number represents a significant leap from the previous year. But what contributed to this increase in sales?

Selective Choices for the Win

Contrary to working twice as hard, Xavier adopted a strategic approach by focusing his marketing efforts on new developments. By being selective in the properties he listed, Xavier honed in on areas with high potential for resale. His secret ingredient? Personal preference. Xavier sought out properties where he himself would feel comfortable living, ensuring a higher likelihood of buyer satisfaction.

Quality Over Quantity

One of the defining characteristics of Xavier’s approach is his discerning eye. He rejects listings that do not meet his standards, ensuring that he only lists properties that have a lot of immediate potential. With a rejection rate of about three to four visits before finding the perfect listing, Xavier’s commitment to quality is clear. He conducts thorough home inspections, leveraging his extensive market knowledge to save both his time and the customer’s time.

Property Sale Prices

Apartments offer a range of options for different budgets. Investment-grade apartments, including small suites and one-bedroom units, started at an affordable $70,500. These properties are popular for their downtown or close-to-downtown locations, making them excellent choices for a short-term rental in Cuenca.

For those seeking larger spaces, two-bedroom units in middle-class areas average between $130,000 and $170,000. Three-bedroom units are available in the $200,000 to $250,000 range, and luxury options exist for those with discerning tastes.

On the house front, Xavier sold one VIP qualified house in the outskirts of Cuenca, located in the Misicata area, for a mere $99,000. VIP loans, mainly designed for locals, provide lower interest rates and down payments, making homeownership more accessible.

Land sales take a backseat due to their longer processes and paperwork requirements, but Xavier hints at potential opportunities in the Paute area, a short 30-minute drive from Cuenca.

Market Trends and Lessons Learned

The Cuenca real estate market is currently hot, with quality properties selling at full price and a scarcity of available listings. Xavier emphasizes the significance of catering to the preferences of the local market, as they are the primary drivers of sales. Contrary to popular belief, expat newcomers have minimal impact on the market dynamics.

Lessons can also be learned from Xavier’s rejection of overpriced listings. He advises against wasting time on properties priced above market value, reiterating the importance of fair pricing to facilitate successful sales.

Case Study 1: Kira $165K

This three-bedroom apartment in Puertas Del Sol captivated a buyer’s heart and sold for $165,000. Located just one block from the river, it boasts a brand-new construction and a lovely terrace overlooking a charming square park. The buyer’s immediate connection with the property showcased the power of love at first sight.

View current listing.

Case Study 2: Casa Corral $70.5K

A new development located a stone’s throw away from Parque Calderon, Casa Corral offers investment-grade properties. One unit, sold for $70,500 in cash, caught the attention of a local buyer planning to leverage the short-term rental market. The fantastic location, convenience, and appeal of downtown living made this property an irresistible investment opportunity.

View current listing.

Case Study 3: Racar Home $78.9K

In the Racar area, a 100-square-meter, three-bedroom house sold for $78,900. While slightly outside the bustling downtown area, this property offers an excellent option for budget-conscious buyers. The buyer was enticed by the prospect of owning a spacious home at an affordable price, highlighting the value that can be found beyond the city center.

Paute Area: Emerging Hotspot

The Paute area has become a subject of increasing interest in recent months. Located just a 30-minute drive from Cuenca, Paute offers clear air, good water, and attractive land prices. Xavier anticipates a rise in demand for properties in this area, making it an exciting prospect for buyers looking for affordable options, agricultural potential, and a change of scenery.

Educating Buyers for Informed Decisions

Understanding the market trends and lessons shared by Xavier can empower buyers to make informed decisions. The Cuenca property market’s current heat and scarcity of listings require swift action and realistic expectations. Xavier’s commitment to quality and fair pricing serves as a valuable lesson, emphasizing the importance of finding properties that align with personal preferences and meet market demands.

Wrapping up

As we wrap up this Cuenca Property Sales Report for July 2023, we invite you to explore the vibrant real estate market in Cuenca with us. Xavier Amoroso’s success is a testament to the importance of selective choices, understanding market trends, and catering to local preferences. Whether you’re seeking an investment property, a first home, or a relocation opportunity, Cuenca offers an array of options to suit different budgets and lifestyles.

For a closer look at current listings and to get in touch with Xavier, either visit for sale listings on the YapaTree website or submit your buying preferences here and we’ll find the property for you. Also, feel free to reach out to Jason with any property-related questions. And remember, as the market sizzles, be prepared to act swiftly and make informed decisions.

Further reading:

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