17 Plazas & Parks With Free WiFi In Cuenca

Did you know that the city of Cuenca provides 17 different locations around the city with free WiFi from 8 am to 8pm? Discover the  location closest to you and start enjoying some free  internet surfing courtesy of the city!

  1. El Parque de las Candelas  Address : D. Gonzalo Cordero y J. Fajardo

 El Parque de las Candelas In Google Map


  1. Plaza Abdón Calderón Address: Benigno Malo y Simón Bolívar

 Plaza Abdón Calderón In Google Maps


  1. Plaza María Auxiliadora Address : Padre Aguirre

 Plaza María Auxiliadora In Google Maps


  1. Parque de Santo Domingo Address: General Torres 

Parque de Santo Domingo In Google Maps


  1. Plaza del Otorongo Address: Av. 3 de Noviembre

Plaza del Otorongo In Google Maps


  1. Mirador de Turi Address: Av. Mirador de Turi

 Mirador de Turi In Google Maps


  1. Escalinata Address : Calle Larga y Hermano Miguel

 Escalinata In Google Maps


  1. Plaza Central Molleturo Address: Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal

 Plaza Central Molleturo In Google Maps


  1. Plaza de Ricaurte Address: Gral. Mires

 Plaza de Ricaurte In Google Maps


  1. Parque San Sebastián Address: Coronel Guillermo Talbot

 Parque San Sebastián In Google Maps


  1. Parque San Blas Address: Simón Bolívar

 Parque San Blas In Google Maps


  1. Parque El Paraíso  Address: Av. 24 de Mayo

 Parque El Paraíso In Google Maps


  1. Plaza de Las Herrerías Address: Calle Las Herrerías

 Plaza de Las Herrerías In Google Maps


  1. Parque de la Madre Address: Av. 12 de Abril

 Parque de la Madre In Google Maps


  1. Monay Shopping Address:  Av. Gonzáles Suarez

Monay Shopping In Google Maps


16. Parque Edificio 911 Address: Jesús Dávila y Jacinto Flores

 Parque Edificio 911 In Google Maps


17. Parque la Republica Address: La República y Octavio Díaz

 Parque la Republica In Google Maps


4 Responses

    1. A bit tricky to fit the entire city into a map, mark all the locations and still have it be readable. They are pretty spread out and not just in the centro so the map would have to be scrolled out to a point where it just wouldn’t be readable for our users. We opted to link each location to google to identify the locations

  1. A great convenience, but don’t you need a “clave” to connect to the Wi-Fi in any of these locations? If so, what would it be or how do you get it?

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