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Holiday Blues: Over...
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Holiday Blues: Overcoming Sadness During the Holidays

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Whether we feel ready for it or not, the holidays are here. And while we may be looking forward to shopping, get-togethers with family and friends, and other festivities, this time of year can also bring up sadness, loneliness, depression, and other feelings.

This workshop has been designed to offer practical tools for dealing with the holiday blues by showing you how to more easily identify your feelings, engage with and enjoy the gifts of the season, and set a new course for happiness all year long.

In the workshop you will:
* EXPERIENCE a safe, supportive environment for listening, being heard, and understood
* EXPLORE the root cause of your sadness, loneliness, and other feelings
* LEARN powerful, practical tools to deal with your feelings around this time of the year (and beyond)
* RECEIVE follow-up handouts to help support you at home.
This special workshop is being presented by Lysa Allman-Baldwin, a gifted and sought-after speaker, workshop facilitator, author, and writer. Lysa’s mission—through the written and spoken word—is to inspire others to live full of passion, authenticity, and purpose. Her website is

November 12 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Affordably priced at only $25! - REGISTER TODAY!
Mariscal Lamar 14-25; Cuenca, Ecuador
[email protected]

Posted : 02/11/2022 6:22 am

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