Who Do We Trust With Our Health?

In a highly complex world, full of conflicting information, vested interests, and rapidly changing morals, we must rely on people and organizations that we can trust. Trust, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, is the “belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective.” So, how do we come to these conclusions?

According to counselling psychologist Silvana Spanò, B.A., M.A., “how we come to believe something is based more on our existing beliefs than any additional facts. In other words, we can have a vested interest in continuing to believe what we believe in … we often ignore information that contradicts what we already hold to be true. We can also interpret information we do allow ourselves to access so that it reinforces our existing beliefs. Someone who has a vested interest in trusting authority, for instance, interprets facts very differently than an independent thinker.” One deems that authority should be trusted, even if there are reasons that call that trust into question, the other feels that once trust is broken, the ability to experience a reliable, honest, and effective two-way relationship has been compromised. When it comes to our health, this can have far-reaching implications.


The Dominant Players

At this time, we have come to trust various persons, organizations and companies that have vast power, wealth or authority, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), peer-reviewed medical journals, WebMD, Wikipedia, Monsanto, Pfizer, Novartis and others. In general, our trust is implicit. The vast majority of us do not question if one, or all, of these organizations are worthy of our trust. After all, these are the leading professionals and organizations that form the very fabric of modern medicine. Their perspective is the dominant viewpoint, and it is reinforced in movies, TV, by government, multinational corporations, medical associations, and respected members of academia. These are some of the leading forces at play in the world today, and they have our collective and personal health in their hands. How can we not trust them? Or more importantly, what does it mean if we no longer believe they are honest or hold our best interest?


Are We Listening?

Jonathan W. Emord is a brilliant attorney of constitutional and administrative law. He was the attorney at the Federal Communications Commission during the Reagan administration and is a celebrated and influential authority on the subject of constitutional jurisprudence. Emord believes that there is an association of corporations, government agencies, and individuals that are not only dishonest, but that this dishonesty is “chronic”, “unrepentant”, and on occasion even “belligerent”. His work and the diligence of many others show that our so-called allies are openly working together to achieve the following:


Many people are communicating these facts. Emord does so in five critically acclaimed books: “Freedom, Technology and the First Amendment”; “The Ultimate Price”; “The Rise of Tyranny”; “Global Censorship of Health Information”; and “Restore the Republic”. I believe these are essential reading for anyone interested in fully grasping the scale and complexity of what these various organizations that run the “business of sickness” are doing in the world today.

Want to take Jonathan Emord to task for his message? You better know your facts. He has a remarkable track record that includes defending the public successfully on eight separate first-amendment breaches of law by the Food and Drug Administration, including the landmark Pearson vs. Shalala decision. Here, the FDA lost against plaintiffs who were censored for making health claims based on published and respected research. Despite losing the case, the FDA said it would “never abide by the ruling… and it still hasn’t to this day.

How many times do we need to see an organization breach or flout the law before we lose trust in its capacity to be fair, impartial, or worthy of our continued support? The FDA is only one of dozens or organizations that Emord and others expose as dishonest. The famous philosopher and mathematician René Descartes is quite clear on this matter: “the senses deceive from time to time, and it is prudent never to trust wholly those who have deceived us even once”.


How Is This Possible?

But this is preposterous. Even if all these agencies are working against our best interests, as Jonathan Emord and many others purport, how could they pull it off? Access to information is only a fingertip away, and things can be verified and double-checked. Well, according to award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, this is where things get really interesting. Edward Snowden recently brought to light the capacity of the United States government and colluding multinational corporations (National Security Agency, AT&T, etc.) to conduct massive surveillance in breach of both domestic and international law. Attkisson shows us that many of the same players — some directly involved in medicine — have the same extraordinary capacity, only this time to misinform us. They can do this pretty much on any topic they want, even if independently researched.

Her investigation shows that, in fact, an entire universe of misinformation has been fabricated. According to Attkisson this includes, “what sites come-up first on Google; bogus Facebook and Twitter accounts, doctored Wikipedia pages, slanted sites such as WebMD; phony research that is peer-reviewed, and even what your licensed doctor says”. She calls this artificial reality “astro-turf, or fake grass roots”. Its sole purpose is to hide or distort the truth. Attkisson’s research is a powerful introduction to the newly emerging (and somewhat overwhelming) list of revelations about the capacity (and audacity) of various leading organizations, individuals, and government agencies. Interestingly she gives tips on how you can spot this “spin”. Attkisson says to look for, “use of inflammatory language such as crank, quack, nutty, lies, paranoid, pseudo, and conspiracy. Astroturfers also claim to debunk myths that are not myths at all… and tend to reserve all their public skepticism for those exposing wrongdoing, rather than the wrongdoers. In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority.”


What Can We Do?

Our beliefs are fashioned by what we allow ourselves to see, as well as by the absence of information we refuse to input. We also feel the pressure to conform in order to prevent ridicule, and even job loss. This and the current mainstream education systems and media keep most people from questioning authority. But what if, upon closer inspection, we see that those agencies/people that manage healthcare globally, are not as good, true, reliable, or honest, as we had thought? In the past these powerful organizations could hide their corruption and/or silence their detractors. While this is still at play today, evidence is getting out and people are beginning to question the status quo. The recent United States House of Representatives vote to ban States from labeling GMO foods is just another example of why we need to question authority and reassess who has our best interests at heart.

A growing minority has begun shifting allegiance to people and organizations that are looking out for our best interest. At the end of the day, we do this by coming back to ourselves. Only by taking responsibility for our health, becoming informed, and being truly involved in our lives, can we discern who deserves our trust. The transformation of our society into a more ethical and healthy one depends on these private acts. One person at a time, we can help ourselves and our community.

13 Responses

  1. Hola Patrick – Most excellent article. The key takeaway from the big picture is this: Where I put my Trust is moving from the external authoritarian expert to the my internal experts – intuition, instinct and experiential common sense.
    The wise person gleans what he can from outside experts; scientific knowledge obtained and reported in trustworthy ways affords great advancement. However, when such knowledge is corrupted for money, power or status, it can be very difficult if not impossible for the layman to tease out the useful from the bogus. So, due to the ever-increasing corrosion and degeneration of scientifically-endorsed knowledge, practices and products, huge numbers of people are exiting that paradigm… simply because they do not trust it any longer.
    The result is a massive number of people who likely have not fully developed their inner authority, yet know better than to trust outside authority. Where to turn? That is the main question.
    The obvious answer, to me, is that the ways and workings of Nature are the final arbiters. Nature and her ways have worked, and continue to work, forever. They are inherently efficient, effective, sustainable, regenerative, beautiful and satisfying beyond compare. To understand Nature’s fundamental laws and operations, and to harmonize one’s life and lifestyle practices to them, results in a life that works. Every other living being on this planet follows Natur’s laws. Humans had better get on board, and quickly, or else we shall destroy it all.

  2. Your Comment FIrst do your home treatments but if they don’t work then you might need a hospital there is no choice get a facilitator ASAP so you under stand what is happening. Get at least 3 opinions
    and if necessary get an outside doctors opinion no the hospital will not be happy and you might have to transfer to another hospital do its your body your life. There will be very different prices so translator representing you is important have one before you every get sick one you can call in an emergency. They want to operate on me I got 4 opinions 4th said no I believed her. I never needed operation so move slowly. Think your moves careful no risj/ I heard in one hospital my friend was #23 to be operated on in another hospital they would operate immediately on her open cut. So be careful.

  3. Wow! I never expected to read something like this in print. Certainly this would not happen in the good ole USA. This article ticked off all my thoughts on the broken US health care system. Good work, Patrick Coady.

  4. When it comes to any government agency you can not trust the information overall. There are some individuals within the organization that are honest but generally they are in a position of very little authority to ensure the integrity of information or service. If you don’t believe my comment, just think back about what you and the public have been told and then compare that to what has been revealed and the results. Just look at the joke the USA has for a government “Of the people, for the people, and by the people” to ensure their freedom. Sorry folks, tragically that has gone by the wayside.

  5. Brilliant article. Spot on! And unfortunately the influence of these agencies goes well beyond the shores of the USA. Here in Australia our regulatory authorities are much the same – and of course, they’re heavily influenced by their counterparts in the USA.

    What I find incredibly frustrating is that though the truth is out there for all to find (though the powers that be are trying to limit that) too few people are willing to look for it – and even fewer are willing to fight for their rights when they become aware of the truth. Many people would rather bury their heads in the sand and refuse to believe their government or health authorities would ever intentionally harm them – and that includes intelligent, well-educated people who should know better.

  6. . . . .are openly working together to Actively make the public sick . . . ? ? ? Is it possible that you’ve lost your friggin’ mind? Or are you just looking for “Clicks” or “Hits” on this ridiculous article.

    1. Ken, I had the same reaction! What a jaded way to think that there are professional people who wake up every morning saying…”Let’s make more people sick and poise on their food supply today!! What a GOOD idea!” Smh…..

  7. Hello Ken: thank you for the opportunity to inform you, and other readers who may want to actually investigate what Emord, Attkisson and others are saying, that the green text in the article are hyperlinks to supporting articles and videos. “Actively make the public sick” is substanciated with evidence from literally thousands of sources. The question is: are you ready to input new information and have your existing beliefs challenged? In my perception, what Emord, Attkisson and others are saying is important enough to look into further.

  8. This most excellent summary article is the tip of a very large iceberg — or one entrance to a very deep rabbit hole. Click all the links in his article for many hours more reading and listening. What you discover may not be comfortable, but boy, is it important. The issues Patrick raises concern every one of us.

    And the article IS only a summary. Impeccably researched books have been written about all this and more. All the information is out there for those who want to know.

    And for those who don’t, this counsel may apply: whether or not you like it, or even agree with the material Patrick flags, these topics will affect you anyway. The global juggernaut that seeks to control and suppress literally every aspect of your life will be GLAD that you don’t want to know. You see, not wanting to know makes us all the easier to control.

    Knowledge (accompanied by sometimes quite a bit of courage) is the very key to sovereignty. Patrick, who I only met recently but have talked with at some length, is committed to empowering people with that knowledge and awareness. We’re lucky to have him with us here in Cuenca.

  9. The FDA has been a dummy organization since the 70’s when ‘political operative’ Donald Rumsfeld was working for Searle for the FDA’s approval of aspartame. Despite a long list of illnesses and cancers that were attached to its usage it won approval. He merely got the doctors who were part of the FDA research of new compounds replaced by his hand picked people. Voila, aspartame is approved and whats more it’s good for you!!! Aspartame went on to be approved in Europe in 1980 despite more than a little controversy. How did that happen, you might ask?

  10. Excellent! Please use this information to educate others and also see the disinformation written by others! We must take responsibility to search find the evidence and truth and Patrick has done a find job. We must turn away from the establishment who do not have our interests in mind! They are amoung us here and now, promoting their false information for those who would believe the lie!

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