A Brief Exploration Of The Gastronomy Of Cuenca

Scents, seasonings, and flavors define the perfect mix of Cuencano cuisine. The gastronomy of Cuenca has great variety and is based primarily in the preparation of diverse plates, such as corn or mote, roasted pig, guinea pig, trout and potatoes. As you can see, you will find an endless number of recipes that define traditional Cuencano food.

Gastronomy is, without a doubt, a central point in the culture and identity of Cuenca, which unites locals and visitors alike. Cuenca is a city of good eating. The gastronomy of the city has a strong connection with the celebration of traditions. Cuencano specialties are highly valued not only for their delicious flavors, but even more so for the story in how each item is prepared.

In today’s society, gastronomy is a strong pillar of the Cuencano economy that seeks to combine art and tradition. Both the food and the location of the restaurant itself make for a unique Cuencano experience.

Blessed inhabitants! Happy are those who enjoy these innocent goods from the cradle… I came from the deserts of Arabia to Andalusia during those happy times that poets have always imagined… Francisco José Caldas, 1804.

To read more from our friends at The Foundation of Tourism Cuenca click here

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