Mike Casto

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  • Mike Casto


A Journey Through Uzhupud Garden: Orchids, History and Tranquility

I invite you to join me for a remarkable story described to me by my wife, Margaret, who visited the captivating Uzhupud Garden in nearby...

Our Trip to Vilcabamba: A Lifestyle of Wellness and Adventure Awaits

Tucked away in the southern region of Ecuador, in the scenic province of Loja, is the serene and picturesque town of Vilcabamba. This idyllic location...

Unmasking Art’s Taboos: A Journey through Prohibido Centro Cultural

Cuenca expats are familiar with its cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and vibrant culture. But have you fully explored its artistic heart? Prohibido Centro Cultural, a...

Hidden Treasures: The Museum of Aboriginal Cultures

The Museum of Aboriginal Cultures (Museo de las Culturas Aborígenes), located at Calle Larga 5-24, near the intersection of Calle Larga and Mariano Cueva, is...

Cuenca Is Your Trip: A Surprisingly Useful Tourism Resource

Cuenca es tu trip is the tagline for the website visitcuencaecuador.com.ec developed by the Fundación Municipal Turismo para Cuenca (Cuenca’s official Municipal Foundation of Tourism...

A Labor of Love: Inside Yurak Allpa Animal Refuge

A trip to Yurak Allpa Animal Refuge is a remarkable, family-friendly experience. My wife and I recently visited with a tour group from La Yunta...

Girón: A Spectacular Day Trip Destination for Waterfall and History Lovers

We had been reading and hearing wonderful things about Girón and its famous waterfalls in the Yunguilla Valley for some time. So, my wife and...

A Day Trip to Ingapirca: Discovering the Treasures of Ecuador’s Ancient Past

Settled high in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador lies, Ingapirca, a spectacular destination that draws in history buffs, outdoor enthusiasts, and culture seekers alike. Ingapirca...

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